I think that it’s influenced my preferences now a lot because I still long for some old school middle grade where adventure is really the heart of the story. I think Jacki Faber’s character in Bloody Jack really left an impact on me just with how adventurous she was, and able to take risks, and live and love without a man by her side. I now look for that in just about every book I find. She really set the tone, and I found that love again in Karou from Daughter of Smoke and Bone. If you have a character quite like them, I highly suggest you send it to me! But I still love all of those characters and genres, and I think a lot of people forget that I’m such a sucker for a great YA contemporary and an amazingly well-written romance. I mean, I was reading highlander romance by the time I was fifteen!
LS: You began your post-college career in education. What made you want to transition into publishing and how did you go about it?
I knew I had to do something different, so I started reading again, plotting out my own book, and writing it. This eventually lead to me getting on Twitter for some reason and becoming a book blogger. I had my summer free, so I ended up looking at publishing internships just for the heck of it. I found one with Corvisiero from months ago, asked if it was still open, and it was! So I applied, had a phone call with her the next day, and I was hired on the spot. I’ve been with Corvisiero ever since and have been slowly making the transition over to full-time agent after demoting myself from teaching.
LS: You mention in your bio that you have a special place in your heart for YA Fantasy. What books in this genre have you read in the past five years that made you wish they would have hit your slushpile first?
LS: A lot of writers make many mistakes when querying. What do you recommend they assure their manuscripts and queries include before they even begin the submission process?
LS: What are some elements that make you fall in love with a manuscript?
LS: Girls today are growing up in a very different environment in terms of women of strength and independence and how they have been accurately portrayed in books and films. What strong female character that you’ve read recently has had the greatest influence on you?
I’m actually currently reading When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon, and I’m loving Dimple. She’s such a force! She knows exactly what she wants and is willing to basically defy all odds and everyone around her in order to achieve it. She’s such an outspoken, honest, and passionate go-getter, and I love that in a character. I also feel like I see a lot of myself in her, just in her determination and knowing what she wants to do with her life. Even if she’s a little more outspoken than me, I feel her with me a bit when I have to force myself into agent mode and become this extra outgoing persona. If she can do it, I can too, right? =)
LS: What are you reading right now and what has been your favorite read this year?
LS: Finish this sentence: “I’d love to represent an author who writes like___.”