6 Books That Will Help You Get Your Sh** Together

by Tee Tate

THE 12 WEEK YEAR FOR WRITERS by A. Trevor Thrall, PhD

If you picked up the 12 Week Life title mentioned previously and you’re a writer, then you’re going to want to get your hands on Dr. Thrall’s book as well. It’s a godsend for the planning alone. Need to work on more than one project at a time? He’s got you covered. Need to organize your ideas? There’s a plan for that too. I devoured the first book and when I realized there was a second that catered to writers I snapped it up quickly. After struggling from a massive post-pandemic writer’s wall (block is too small a word, I’m afraid), this was the book that yanked me out of my slump. Grab both today.


The 12 Week Year for Writers: A Comprehensive Guide to Getting Your Writing Done is an easy-to-

books for success and motivation

implement and practical framework for writers to get more work done in less time. You’ll answer big picture questions—What is my vision for the future? What are my writing goals?—while enacting a comprehensive system to plan and execute your writing.

You’ll create a 12 Week Plan and a Model Week, collaborate with a weekly writing group, keep score, and learn to stick to a weekly execution routine. The book will also show you how to:

  • Manage multiple writing projects at the same time
  • Develop a prolific writer’s mindset and increase your output with the 12 Week Year system
  • Deal with actionable specifics, like when and where to write

Ideal for writers in all genres and fields, The 12 Week Year for Writers is the perfect hands-on guide for academic and business writers, authors, students, columnists, bloggers, and copy and content writers who seek to increase their productivity and get more quality words on the page.

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