It’s such a wonderful time to be a writer. Years ago- not that long ago, actually- the way writers learned their craft was regulated to stuffy classrooms and craft books. Those served many for decades, but now, given the advances of technology and the opportunities the internet affords creative types, the options have grown immensely.
Podcasts, for example are a great medium for anyone interested in writing, the publishing industry or simply those with a desire to improve their grammar.
Today we have a list of the best of the best for you writer-types eager to binge on advice that aims to help you improve your craft.
Check these out and let us know what you think.
Happy listening, LitStackers!

This podcast is the baby of Joanna Penn, bestselling author of both thrillers and dark fantasy novels and includes new episodes every Monday with “interviews, inspiration and information” on all things writing: the industry, options available to writers now and how to get your work out to the masses.
WHY WE LOVE IT: The Creative Penn is a wonderful source for craft advice but also pulls into its feed a great source of material and industry professionals who know exactly how to help you improve.